Monday, December 26, 2011

Leaked Email: US State Department Offers Bribes 2 Times to Tech News Site ArabCrunch One Bribe at 100,000 USD

People think that only big and main stream media are the targets of Governments blackmail. Aljazeera for example was targeted because of its coverage of the War in Afghanistan and Iraq. Aljazeera office in Afghanistan was bombed. Aljazeera was the only TV station beaming during the start of the war in Afghanistan, it was showing images of children and civilians killed by US air strikes. US defense minister at the time Donala Ramsfaild once said that Taliban attacked those children and moved them to the hospital!

Aljazeera correspondent was sentenced to jail time in Spain for doing his job and interviewing Osama Bin ladin. Aljazeera office was also bombed during the beginning of the War in Iraq and one Aljazeera corespondent was killed. and when its website showed images of American soldiers killed by the Iraqi forces, its website was hacked.

Many times US officials talked negatively about Aljazeera coverage which was showing operations by the Iraqi resistant and images of killed people by the American forces.

Then English newspapers leaked that American president planed to bomb Aljazeera HQ in Qatar.

And with each attack the US administration lies and says its by Mistake.

Suddenly in the past few years, Aljazeera stopped showing operations of the Iraqi resistance in Iraq! suddenly the Iraq war is not there, the only news is operations of civilian deaths that no one has evidence who is behind it and falsely accused the resistance to damage its image.!

Then few months ago we discover the reason on US diplomatic cable leaked on Wikileaks, AJ management was working behind doors to delete contents that disturbs the US government. meaning that they are not anymore showing the whole truth, but what the US government accepts. Which is to hide their crimes and to show those who fight for the freedom of Iraq are the one who is criminals

ArabCrunch a small tech news site that was founded by Gaith Saqer from Jordan in 2008. Has few attempts to fight injustice on Internet freedom such as the blocking of linked in of Syria, which forced linked in to unblock syria after pressure also from other parries.

ArabCrunch also exposed the lies and the hypocrisy of the US government and Hillary Clinton, When Hillary made a speech about internet freedom amid the problem between google and China saying that knowledge should be freely accessible to all humans then few days later force blocking free open source download site sourceforge the people of Syrian, Sudanese, North Korians, Cuba and Iran of downloading free and open software.

But, ArabCrunch coverage caused source forge to semi unblock those sanctioned people by allowing admins of each project to decide.

In an email exchange leaked to ArabCrunch Leaks, it describes 2 meetings between founder of ArabCrunch Gaith Saqer and a US state department program called MEPI employee Helmi Noman one in Cairo and the other in Amman.

In the first meeting Helmi offers Gaith a grant according to the email of 30,000 USD from MEPI and then in the meeting in Amman Helmi offers 100,000 USD.

In the second meeting Helmi mentions source forge post and then offers the grant as Gaith said in the email exchange. Helmi confirms mentioning source forge by writing : "Yes, I remember discussing blocking of sourceforge" However Hemli tries to distance him self and says he disagreed with blocking it. When Gaith asked Helmi if the source forge post was upsetting to the US state department. Hemli says how would he know what makes the state department upset"!!!

How a post that went viral over the internet and exposed US state dep. hypocrisy and forced their plans to be changed is not upsetting to the US government since they have a record in blackmailing other media like Aljazeera. Even Some bloggers started to discuss the future of source forge and that ArabCrunch might offers a similarr service with no blocking to anyone.

Gaith wrote in the second meeting in Amman "You -started- the conversation by pointing out about sourceforge blocking which exposed Hillary Clinton and the state dep hypocrisy and forced sourceforge to semi unblock sanctioned countries (syria, sudan, iran, Cuba and north Korea) and then offering a grant! - or to apply to a grant- is a form of bribery to buy the honor of free media. that I refuse at all."

in the email exchange Helmi tries to deny he offered funding however he admits to ask Gaith to apply for 30,000 and 100,000 grants "And yes I remember encouraging you to apply when we met in Cairo and in Amman, but "pressing" you? No," but later wrote" Maybe I told you I could help you develop a good project that would likely be approve by the management."

which means we will give you the questions before you go to test and give you the answer to them!

Gaith wrote "During ArabTechies in Cairo you told me to apply for a MِEPI (US government program) grant to organize events around the Arab world. you told me you will help me with the application and that it will be approved since you are the one who they ask when approving a grant. if There is a manger who needs to approve it as you say, or there is not, if you are claiming now a process or not. does not matter because you said it will be approved."

It is worth mending that Helmi says he works now for OpenNet Initiative a suspicious American project that monitors internet blocking

Gaith Saqer says in the last email to Helmi:

"Inshallah that your daughter gets well and cured, Ameen.

Lets put the truth.

During ArabTechies in Cairo you told me toخ apply for a MِEPI (US government program) grant to organize events around the Arab world. you told me you will help me with the application and that it will be approved since you are the one who they ask when approving a grant. if There is a manger who needs to approve it as you say, or there is not, if you are claiming now a process or not. does not matter because you said it will be approved.

When we met later in Amman, me you Mohammad and the American who said he is on Fulbright scholarship.
You  asked me what is the most achievement ArabCrunch made I told you highlight startups you pressured and then told you the sourceforge blocking post. which is true and then you told me to apply for a 100,000 USD grant from MEPI.
I said no thank you, we are secure at ArabCrunch " secure might mean we have enough to pay to the server or much more or less :)-

The American guy said, "why no, you should apply! why not more money. the more the better."

You starting the conversation by pointing out about sourceforge blocking which exposed Hillary Clinton and the state dep hypocrisy and forced sourceforge to semi unblock sanctioned countries (syria, sudan, iraqn, Cuba and north Korea) and then offering a grant! - or to apply to a grant- is a form of bribery to buy the honor of free media. that I refuse at all.

Later in the meeting in Amman. you said we also have a wife if you want. It is very clear the whole meeting was a recruitment offer. and a failed one.

Allow me now, to tell you the main reason why I refused the grants offer from the US government and why I will continue to refuse grant offers or to work with such criminal government:

first I am sure ArabCrunch will continue to cover the US government efforts in tech and entrepreneurship as long the story is relevant and newsworthy regardless of  US gov. plots against me and ArabCrunch.
The main reason I refused to get any type of grants offer or money or to work with the US government is because I do not take money from criminals, thieves and terrorist lairs. Even though that money is stolen from US in Iraq and a small amount of it is coming back to us for suspicious activities.

The US government is at War with Islam, they killed 2 million Muslims and Christians in Iraq. thousands in afghanistan. the US government is the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism and illegal occupation in Palestine. The US government is the main supporter of   the corrupt and tyrant regimes in the Muslim and Arab world starting with Bin Ali and Husni Mubarak.

Obama's promise for a new beginning is a lie it is a new plot to deceive Muslims that US government is good and wants to do good which is not true.

Regardless of your plots against ArabCrunch, I 'd rather go to jail or die and not work with the head of international tyranny and terrorism: US government. 

I was offered to be a spy for the US government before and i said no.

I will never betray God I will never betray my religion and my people, our blood has not dried in Iraq, our honor that was violated in Abu ghraib Guantanamo and in secret CIA jails  and in San Francisco is not water and will never be water.

How can betray 2 million innocent people murdered by the US forces and work with the American government or take money from?

Send this massage to Hillary Clinton:
There are men and woman who are Muslims that 100 million US dollars can not buy, that blackmail will not force them to step down from the path of God and justice..

 أنا على دين محمد و أرفض العمالة  لأمريكآ و مصر على قول الحق أو أن أذوق ما ذاقه سيد الشهداء حمزة رضي الله عنه.

اللهم فاشهد
اللهم فإشهد
اللهم فاشهد
وإذ يمكر بك الذين كفروا ليثبتوك أو يقتلوك أو يخرجوك، ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين

و إذا تتلى عليهم ايتنا قالوا قد سمعنا لو نشاء لقلنا مثل هذا إن هذا إلا أساطير الأولين
إن الذين كفروا ينفقون أموالهم ليصدوا عن سبيل الله فسينفقونها ثم تكون عليهم حسرة ثم يغلبون و الذين كفروا إلي جهنم يحشرون
ليميز الله الخبيث من الطيب ويجعل الخبيث بعضه على بعض فيركمه جميعا فيجعله في جهنم إولئك هم الخاسرون.

قل للذين كفروا إن ينتهوا يغفر لهم ما قد سلف و إن يعودوا فقد مضت سنت الأولين

and here is the emails in text and in images:

1 comment:

  1. Hey, is that your own text? You should go see WL or protect that info somehow.
